This pad driver is made to be use with our IPC Eagle 20" scrubbers. This pad driver can be combined with our floor stripping pads, or our scrubbing pads to offer many different types of floor care. Combine some of our strip pads with a stripping solution, and you can strip your floors down to the bare tile surface, then rinse and re-wax the floor, for a new floor look!
The needle like fingers that protrude from the bottom of the pad driver act like velcro to grip your pad and keep it in place.
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Membership in the SuperFreak program includes 12 months of top tier service and support to you at a moment's notice. No more waiting for a service tech to fit you into their busy schedule & come visit your facility. Get virtual training, troubleshooting & sourcing to repair your machinery as quickly as possible.
What the Program Includes
Free video and/or phone assistance for machine setup and training.
Access to factory trained and certified virtual service technicians.
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No more guessing when it comes to repair parts.
You’ll have your own product expert ready to help.
10% off parts and consumable purchases for the life of your plan.